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Hello Friends!

You’ve probably heard that it’s not normal for your gums to bleed.  Or that you should brush and floss at least twice a day.  And rinse with a fluoride mouthwash.  And see your dentist for a professional cleaning and exam every six months.  And stay away from sugary foods and beverages.  And avoid highly acidic foods.  The list goes on and on!  But life is busy!  You’re rushing out the door in the morning and often fall into bed exhausted at night.  Like so many other things that are good for our health, it can become easy to fall into the “I’ll do it tomorrow” trap.  But, much like other aspects of our health, dental neglect will begin to show warning signs.  Often one of the first is bleeding gums.  If your toothbrush bristles are always pink when you brush or the water you spit into the sink afterwards is tinged with blood, that’s probably an indicator of mild gum disease or gingivitis.  Your gums bleed because they are swollen, inflamed and irritated by the bacteria that has hardened into plaque. Left untreated, gingivitis can progress into periodontal disease.

Aside from the obvious negative oral side effects (bad breath, cavities, tooth and bone loss) of periodontal disease, there have been numerous studies linking periodontal disease to overall health problems.  According to the ADA, the harmful bacteria that is in your mouth can travel to other parts of your body and has been linked to the increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

The only way to truly maintain good oral health is to brush and floss your teeth regularly and see your dental professional every six – twelve months.  Like most things, catching problems early is the best way to avoid more serious problems and potentially  more expensive treatment later.

So as hard as it may be to add more things to your ever-growing “to-do” list, it is so important to take care of yourself and make time to brush and floss!

Yours in good dental health

Your friends at

Brunner Prast Family Dental

Hello Friends!

Have you ever wondered where to start when searching for a dentist?  Referrals from friends or co-workers are pretty common, as are insurance lists, but have you considered your local dental association?  The Michigan Dental Association website has a lot of useful information, including some great questions to ask during that initial phone call.

Questions to Ask a Dentist

Now that you’ve used the Find a Dentist search to locate a list of Michigan Dental Association dentists in your area, you need to narrow it down to the one dentist who is your family’s perfect match. Here’s a list of questions to help you make your decision.

  • Are the office hours convenient for your schedule?
  • Is the dental office close to your home or office?
  • Does the office appear to be clean, neat and well organized?
  • How are dental emergencies handled?
  • Does the office staff appear to be friendly and helpful?
  • What is the office policy for rescheduling an appointment?
  • What is the policy on fees and payment plans?
  • Does the dental office staff explain ways to help prevent dental problems?
  • Does the office have dental health education materials available?

Since a good relationship with your dentist is essential to good oral health care, take your time and choose one that you and your family feel comfortable with so you can arrive for each visit with a smile.


I would add that visiting the office for a tour prior to scheduling or arranging a visit to meet the doctor are great ideas.  A reputable office will usually be happy to schedule a brief, complimentary  consultation with the doctor to make sure you are comfortable with him or her and with the office in general.  You should be made to feel comfortable asking questions or expressing concerns.

Hope the above information helps:)

Your friends at

Brunner Prast Family Dental



*The above article was referenced from the following:

Hello Friends!

We often receive questions regarding dental x-rays; “Are they necessary?”, “Are they safe?”, and “Why do I need so many?” are typically the most common.  We found this great article from Delta Dental that had some great information from the ADA regarding dental x-rays.

All about x-rays

X-rays explained

Dental x-rays are a valuable part of dental treatment because they can detect damage to teeth and gums not visible during a routine checkup.

X-rays can show the condition of your teeth, their roots, your jaw placement and the overall composition of your facial bones. X-rays can help your dentist determine the presence or degree of gum disease, cavities, abscesses and many abnormal growths, such as cysts and tumors. X-rays also can show the exact location of impacted teeth and teeth that have not yet fully developed.

X-ray Q&A

Do all patients have x-rays taken every six months?

X-ray schedules are customized to fit your individual needs. If you are a new patient, your dentist will typically take x-rays to evaluate your oral health and track it during future visits, making sure that your teeth and gums stay healthy. If you have changed dentists and recently had x-rays taken, you can ask to have them sent to the new dentist so he or she is up-to-date on your oral health.

What kind of x-rays does my dentist usually take?

The most common type of x-rays dentists take are known as bitewing x-rays. These require patients to hold or bite down on a piece of plastic with x-ray film in the center. Bitewing x-rays typically determine the presence of decay in between teeth – one of the most common areas where decay-causing bacteria reside.

Periapical x-rays are another common type of dental x-ray, which gives the dentist an image of the entire tooth, including the roots. With periapical x-rays, dentists evaluate a particular tooth’s root structure and bone level, and also can detect cysts and abscesses.

My dentist has ordered a “panoramic radiograph.” What is that?

A panoramic x-ray, also called radiograph, allows your dentist to see your whole mouth, including your upper and lower teeth and parts of your jaw, in a single image. This gives him or her a clear image of any issues that may be harder to see up close. It can help predict children’s tooth development and may show complications with a teenager’s wisdom teeth before they erupt.

Why might I need more than one type of x-ray?

Different types of x-rays give your dentist an overview of different parts of your mouth. Panoramic x-rays give your dentist a general comprehensive view of your entire mouth on a single film, while bitewing or periapical x-rays show a detailed image of a smaller area, revealing decay or cavities between teeth. If your dentist needs both these vantage points to assess a problem, he or she will likely conduct multiple x-rays.

Should I be concerned about exposure to radiation?

All health care providers are sensitive to patients’ concerns about radiation. Your dentist has been trained to prescribe x-rays only when they are appropriate, and to tailor their frequency to your individual needs. By using state-of-the-art technology and staying knowledgeable about recent advances, your dentist knows which techniques, procedures and x-ray films can minimize your exposure to radiation.1


If you have any other questions or need more info, please visit our website at  We’ll be happy to discuss your individual concerns.

Your friends at

Brunner Family Dental

The oral health information on this website is intended for educational purposes only. You should always consult a licensed dentist or other qualified health care professional for any questions concerning your oral health.

Hello Friends!
What’s your New Year’s Resolution for 2015? Now that the calendar has officially turned to 2015, you may have already come up with a resolution – and hopefully you haven’t given up on it yet! If you haven’t come up with one yet, how about rededicating yourself to taking care of your mouth, teeth and gums? It’s a resolution that will pay dividends for your health and your smile for a lifetime.

While it’s not always easy to follow your resolution throughout the year, this year, resolve to achieve one of these easy, yet effective, oral health goals. Understanding the benefits of your particular resolutions can be motivating and rewarding. Whatever your goals might be, it is important to take small steps to achieve them. Remember: consistency is key with any resolution that you make!

Take the right steps!

Healthy resolutions can keep your teeth healthy, and any of the following strategies will go a long way toward giving you a brighter, healthier smile in the coming year:

Ditch the Tobacco – this highly addictive substance is one of the worse vices you can have. Using a product filled with toxins and carcinogens (cigarettes) often causes bad breath, tooth-staining and will put you at an increased risk of developing conditions such as oral cancer, heart disease and dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Eat Right – eating well is important to maintaining your dental health. Poor nutrition affects the entire immune system, thus putting you at a great risk for many common oral disorders including gum disease.

Brush! Brush! Brush! – brushing and flossing protect your teeth from decay and most importantly, plaque. Without proper brushing and flossing, you may develop bleeding gums, which may worsen to severely swollen, red, bleeding gums (gingivitis) and, eventually gum disease.

Utilize Preventative Dentistry – receiving dental care prior to any dental problem arising is crucial in maintaining a bright, healthy smile. During your regular check-ups, we provide professional cleaning that removes harmful plaque and gingivitis before is develops into periodontal disease. Not only can preventative procedures stop issues from arising, it is also a great way to save money! In fact, studies have shown that for every $1 spent on preventative dental care, you’d spend $8 to $50 on restorative care.

Let’s have a great 2015!

Good oral health habits not only promote healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, it also contributes to your overall health. You owe a lot to your teeth and gums! Do them a favor this New Year by practicing excellent dental health habits and smile big in 2015!

If we can answer any questions or help in any way, visit our website at to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Your Friends at Brunner Family Dental

Hello Friends!

With back to school time fast approaching, it’s a great time to get your children’s dental health on track with a checkup. Dr. Brunner and Dr. Prast suggest making a tooth exam and cleaning part of your back to school routine.

The dentist should be on your  “to-do” list.  Often, physical exams and hearing and eye tests for kids are scheduled at the start of each new school year; a dentist visit should be on that schedule too. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, dental exams are as important to kids as getting booster shots.  Here’s why:

*Tooth pain can be more involved than it appears.  It has been reported that over half of all children between the ages of 5 and 9 have at least one cavity or filling. If your child has a cavity and the pain that comes with it, they’ll also have a tough time eating, speaking and even focusing on classroom activities or homework—and often their teachers don’t recognize what’s going on. They may also miss school and become depressed or fatigued. Your dentist can help.

*Kids are prone to tooth trauma.  It’s common to see children who have dental injuries. If your child’s play style is rough and tumble or they are involved in sports, getting a mouth guard is a great preventive step. They’re available at most sporting goods store or can be custom fit in our office.  Prevention is key.

* Taking your child to the dentist on a regular basis serves several purposes—it helps the dentist take other preventive steps, like applying a dental sealant, against tooth decay; it can help ease your child’s apprehensions about visiting the dentist; and it reveals issues that can be treated early, when damage can be fixed and painful or chronic conditions avoided.

Give our office a call and we’d be happy to schedule an appointment or discuss any concerns.  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer:)

Your friends at Brunner Family Dental
