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Hello Friends!

It’s that time of year again.  Time to reflect, make resolutions and to renew promises you may have made to yourself.  Did you resolve to quit smoking? Exercise or eat healthier? Spend more time with family?  Become more organized? While these are all pretty common and worthwhile goals, I would encourage you to also add “Take care of your dental health” to that list.

Why?  It’s certainly easier to put your dental health and keeping dental checkups at the bottom of a long to-do list.  Unless you have a raging tooth ache, it can be a low priority. But like most things, if you keep putting off preventive care, eventually things will begin to deteriorate.  And your oral health is not an exception.  Of course your dentist checks for things like cavities, but also things a misaligned bite, worn down or cracking teeth which could indicate tooth grinding, or early warning signs of oral cancer.  Detected early, most problems can be easily treated.

If there are specific concerns that cause you to postpone treatment and or preventive care, your dental office should be able to work with you to find a solution.  Cost a concern?  Ask about patient financing and how to maximize your insurance benefits.  Time constraints an issue?  Ask about early or late appointments.  Most offices will be happy to find a time that works with your schedule.  Are you fearful?  Ask for a complimentary consultation to discuss specifics to your treatment.  Many offices will offer items to help you relax or help you become comfortable.  Whatever your concern, a good office will help you to overcome it.

Should you ever have questions of concerns, please visit our website at or feel free to give us a call.

Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2017:)

Your friends at Brunner Prast Family Dental

Hello Friends!
What’s your New Year’s Resolution for 2015? Now that the calendar has officially turned to 2015, you may have already come up with a resolution – and hopefully you haven’t given up on it yet! If you haven’t come up with one yet, how about rededicating yourself to taking care of your mouth, teeth and gums? It’s a resolution that will pay dividends for your health and your smile for a lifetime.

While it’s not always easy to follow your resolution throughout the year, this year, resolve to achieve one of these easy, yet effective, oral health goals. Understanding the benefits of your particular resolutions can be motivating and rewarding. Whatever your goals might be, it is important to take small steps to achieve them. Remember: consistency is key with any resolution that you make!

Take the right steps!

Healthy resolutions can keep your teeth healthy, and any of the following strategies will go a long way toward giving you a brighter, healthier smile in the coming year:

Ditch the Tobacco – this highly addictive substance is one of the worse vices you can have. Using a product filled with toxins and carcinogens (cigarettes) often causes bad breath, tooth-staining and will put you at an increased risk of developing conditions such as oral cancer, heart disease and dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Eat Right – eating well is important to maintaining your dental health. Poor nutrition affects the entire immune system, thus putting you at a great risk for many common oral disorders including gum disease.

Brush! Brush! Brush! – brushing and flossing protect your teeth from decay and most importantly, plaque. Without proper brushing and flossing, you may develop bleeding gums, which may worsen to severely swollen, red, bleeding gums (gingivitis) and, eventually gum disease.

Utilize Preventative Dentistry – receiving dental care prior to any dental problem arising is crucial in maintaining a bright, healthy smile. During your regular check-ups, we provide professional cleaning that removes harmful plaque and gingivitis before is develops into periodontal disease. Not only can preventative procedures stop issues from arising, it is also a great way to save money! In fact, studies have shown that for every $1 spent on preventative dental care, you’d spend $8 to $50 on restorative care.

Let’s have a great 2015!

Good oral health habits not only promote healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, it also contributes to your overall health. You owe a lot to your teeth and gums! Do them a favor this New Year by practicing excellent dental health habits and smile big in 2015!

If we can answer any questions or help in any way, visit our website at to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

Your Friends at Brunner Family Dental