You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2013.

Hello Friends!

With back to school time fast approaching, it’s a great time to get your children’s dental health on track with a checkup. Dr. Brunner and Dr. Prast suggest making a tooth exam and cleaning part of your back to school routine.

The dentist should be on your  “to-do” list.  Often, physical exams and hearing and eye tests for kids are scheduled at the start of each new school year; a dentist visit should be on that schedule too. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, dental exams are as important to kids as getting booster shots.  Here’s why:

*Tooth pain can be more involved than it appears.  It has been reported that over half of all children between the ages of 5 and 9 have at least one cavity or filling. If your child has a cavity and the pain that comes with it, they’ll also have a tough time eating, speaking and even focusing on classroom activities or homework—and often their teachers don’t recognize what’s going on. They may also miss school and become depressed or fatigued. Your dentist can help.

*Kids are prone to tooth trauma.  It’s common to see children who have dental injuries. If your child’s play style is rough and tumble or they are involved in sports, getting a mouth guard is a great preventive step. They’re available at most sporting goods store or can be custom fit in our office.  Prevention is key.

* Taking your child to the dentist on a regular basis serves several purposes—it helps the dentist take other preventive steps, like applying a dental sealant, against tooth decay; it can help ease your child’s apprehensions about visiting the dentist; and it reveals issues that can be treated early, when damage can be fixed and painful or chronic conditions avoided.

Give our office a call and we’d be happy to schedule an appointment or discuss any concerns.  We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer:)

Your friends at Brunner Family Dental
